Mike sat down with Patrick Galvin, a business owner who coaches and discusses business focusing on trust. They discuss both Galvin’s business and Rotary International, a civic club that has influenced the foundation of Galvin’s company.
Patrick Galvin’s Biography
Patrick Galvin is the co-founder of the Galivnizing Group, a learning and development company focused on trust-based relationship building. He is also a bestselling author of The Trusted Way, which is a follow-up to his previous book The Connector’s Way.
In This Episode, You’ll Learn…
- Galvin’s books are parables, written as stories to give lessons to readers. He wanted to write about trust development.
- Trust is foundational. Galvin defines it as credibility built up over time.
- Parables work well because people connect with stories. You can get data online through a search result, but someone will remember a story much better than basic definitions.
- Rotary International is a large civic organization that Mike and Patrick are both involved with. It’s structured differently than many other clubs. You represent your profession, and the goal is to have a diversified club where many different professions are represented.
- The Rotary Four-Way Test came around in 1932 during the Great Depression from an individual struggling through it. He realized that if he wanted the reputation of being a trustworthy company, he prayed one day and wrote 24 words down (quoted below). It changed his company thoroughly, and his company became the most trustworthy cookware company.
- In Galvin’s new book, he tells the story of an individual who makes decisions that aren’t based on the Four-Way Test. He encounters many issues but eventually learns how to build a business on trust and improve it through that method.
- Service above Self is Rotary’s Motto.
- Galvin learned over time that his business should focus on relationships instead of marketing, as he previously believed. So, he established the Galvanizing Group to help others do so. He works with individuals in groups of 6-8. They have an online coaching program they use to help others succeed.
- You can find the Four-Way Test in an internet search and learn more about it. You don’t have to buy his book.
- Relationship building is what Galvin emphasizes. He asks listeners to focus on what relationship-building plan they have. What are the relationships that you have to get your success to happen? You might need to reach outside your network and many other things. Set big goals, and map them back to the relationships you have.
- Relationship building within the organization is a large part of the process. It’s not just about external relationships.
- If you have to say you’re a person with credibility, you’re probably still working on becoming a person with credibility.
- Trust is best measured by the daily interactions you have with the people around you.
- Rotary Four-Way Test: First Principle: Is it the truth? Second Principle: Is it fair to all concerned? Third Principle: Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Fourth Principle: Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
- Someone will do business with someone they know, like, and trust.
Links & Resources Mentioned…
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